Increasing your credit score isn’t exactly top of mind for most people until it is time to get a loan. People with good credit are more likely to get the loan they need and will obtain lower interest rates, 这最终意味着省钱. 如果你想增加你的信用评分, 然后 incorporate the tips below to help maximize your score.

By understanding the five factors that make up your credit score, 你会更好地准备提高你的分数:

> Your payment history – 35%. Do you make payments on time, are they late, or have you missed payments? Payment history is the largest determining factor of your credit score because it really represents how good of a borrower you are.

> Amount you currently owe – 30%. This refers to your capacity; in other words, how much of your available credit are you using? Borrowing less than 35% of your capacity will help to keep your credit score from being negatively affected. 例如, 如果你有能力借20美元,000, 你真正想借的钱不会超过7美元,这是为了表明你有理财的责任.

> Length of your credit history – 15%. 你获得贷款的时间越长越好. 如果你在考虑关闭账户, don’t close the ones you’ve had open for a long time; it is better to close the newer ones.

> Number of new accounts – 10%. Don’t open new accounts too rapidly, particularly if you have a short credit history. 新账户会降低你的平均账户年龄, which could impact your score if you don’t have a lot of other credit information.

> Types of credit – 10%. 最好有一个平衡的信用卡组合, 零售账户, 分期付款贷款, 和/或抵押贷款.

现在你知道是什么决定了你的分数, let’s dive into how you can proactively increase your credit score.

1. 还清你的信用卡
The second biggest factor in determining your credit score is your capacity. 还清你的信用卡欠款, 你正在立即提高你的能力,这将, 反过来, 提高你的分数. 例如, 如果你有一张10美元的信用卡,可动用的贷方为000美元,余额为5美元,000, 你借了50%的产能. 如果你能还清那张卡,比如说1美元,000, 然后 your capacity to borrow just increased…and so does your score!

2. Ask your credit card carrier for an increase in credit limit
除了还你的信用卡, another way to increase your capacity is to ask for credit limit increases. In many cases, credit card issuers will increase limits to customers with a good credit history. If you can’t secure an increase with your current card, consider opening a new credit card. Although a hard inquiry on your credit report can temporarily decrease your score, the additional borrowing capacity will outweigh the decrease, particularly since capacity is 30% weighting on determining your score.

3. 自动付款
A few late payments is not an automatic score killer; however, 如果你逾期付款, 然后 you may want to start automating your payments using online banking. Making on-time payments is one of the biggest factors to your score, so make it as easy as possible by establishing automatic payments.

4. 检查你的信用报告
Make sure there are no late payments incorrectly listed and the amount owed for each account is correct. 如果你发现错误,与信用机构争论. 你有三个FICO信用评分, 三个局各一个:Equifax, TransUnion和Experian. You are entitled to one free report from each agency every 12 months. 你可以在annualcreditreport网站上找到你的报告.或致电877.322.8228.

Improving your credit takes time, but the financial rewards are high! 如果你想要 免费信用评分分析 为了得到 个性化的建议, 然后 让我们开始吧.
